Ma sh Diet

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

Ma sh Diet

Postby Ann » Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:50 pm

Maggie, I have copied out the mash diet and plan on getting the ingredients and making it for my three birds. I have Bobbie off the seed diet and will gradually get him on this when I get back from out of town. His diet is very much like the mash diet but I have not been giving him seeds. I have been giving him Harrison Pellets along with his vegetables and fruits with a spoonfull of Beak Appetit added in He really likes the pellets but have been worried since all the recall on dog and cat food. They say it is all organic but you really never know. I checked with Beak Appetit and they also claim the rice they use is safe. It is a basmatic rice and I wonder why they don't use a brown rice. This is one reason I am going to try the mash diet. It really seems easier and better for them. There is also so much waste. Should I still feed him the Harrisons, he does like them and everyone recommends them highly. Thanks Ann

Postby Maggie- » Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:40 pm


You can still give Bobbie seeds. Seed only diets are bad but given in moderation, then it is no problem. Look at Alicia McWatters' article on sunflower seeds in our public article area. They have lots of nutrients....but they are high in fat too. So, they should be given in moderation. Sunflower seeds got a bad rap when the pellet manufacturers wanted to market their products. And the campaign worked.

I give the MASH diet daily, with fresh veggies. I buy twice a week and keep all birdie foods in a drawer in the refrigerator and then wash them off and dry before cutting them and mixing. They seem to like it.

I think the Harrison's should be okay.

There also is Basmati brown rice. That's what I cook all of the time.

Your babies are VERY lucky!

Postby Ann » Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:47 pm

Thanks Maggie, It would be impossible for my daughter to spend the night. She has children she has to get up and get ready for school. I am going to put him in his larger travel cage and we will go for a ride tomorrow. There is just something so special about these little birds. He looks at me and turns his head and listens to everything I say. My daughter has had a cold this past week and was over here getting some things last week and had a cough. This morning Bobbie woke me up coughing just like my daughter. It was so funny. We have a Whole Foods store near us and they gave all kinds of organic seeds so I am going to pick him up some. I worry more about my birds than I think I ever did with my children. Will keep you posted. Thanks Ann

Postby Maggie- » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:27 am

Hi Ann,

Aren't we ALL a little crazy about these guys???? LOL!

If you work with him and prepare him for traveling, he may enjoy it. But remember the first time he goes to a strange house to stay, he will be a little nervous. That's when you can spoon feed and give him more of "what he'll eat." Cause when they get nervous, they don't eat much. But they have to go through this before getting to the other side.

Soooo, if you want to take him with you, practice now!

Let me know how the ride turns out!

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