Luna is healed!

Welcome to the Grey Play Round Table African grey Question and Answer Board. Maggie Wright, author of the Barron's Grey pet manual and creator of the Grey Play Round Table African grey newsletter/magazine, and Lisa Bono, African grey behavior expert, will be the two moderators to answer your questions. Please check out the areas that have already been dealt with... and submit your new questions.

Due to the incredibly high volume of SPAM, the board has been set up so that you cannot submit a question. Instead, please send me your question at and I will post it for you. Then, both Lisa and I will post responses. Sorry for the inconvenience.

PLEASE send me your questions... we REALLY want to help you!!!

Wishing you GREY'T Blessings!
Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

Luna is healed!

Postby allie » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:44 pm


Thanks for your support while we were down, both of us! I have to tell you that my vet is still the good man I thought him to be before this all happened. I feel terrible for bad mouthing him. It was a miscommunication.

He had tried to call me right away, but my phone was off while home-health was here doing my infusions and I have no answering service so I never knew he called. He called us on Monday and talked to us for a while and said he had been keeping up with his intern who was on our case!

He even let me tell him about what she was able to do with her foot compared to when she injured it, told me that fractures are often hard to find even on x-ray and that the treatment is so similar to a sprain that he thought it better for the both of us to stay home, and put Luna back on her perches. He felt that after 2 weeks on flat surfaces and with the MEloxicam, that she should be well healed considering what she could do with it. He knows I am not well, and that we have a long drive so he helped us over the phone.

He even called yesterday to see how she has been on her perches but I missed his call again. She does seem to be doing fine and is foraging on her tree for grapes right now and has done some pretty acrobatic stuff so I think all is well.

I'm so glad to see my baby well and happy again. She is sooo talkative again. Speaking in complete sentences again, whistling and being a normal happy parrot!

Allie and Luna
The bird that lives with me is smarter than me!
Posts: 74
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:48 pm
Location: Southern USA

Postby Maggie- » Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:21 pm


Again, you and Luna have made my day! Thank you!

GREY'T Blessings,

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