What I need to know about egg-binding

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Maggie Wright

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What I need to know about egg-binding

Postby allie » Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:02 pm


Hi, Luna and I are still struggling with her hormonal behavior. She continues to display mating behavior toward any bell toy I put in her cage, although I pull them out and put in a new one every time it starts. I also move them around the cage.

If I don't put another bell back in, she gets very upset and "cries" in the evening and scoots back and forth along her perch and nothing can console her. Although she seems sad and longing, she won't let me pick her up at these times.

I fear that not having a bell toy in there for her to preen with would lead to feather-picking since she gets so anxious an upset. Right now she is simply preening with the newest toy.

What I want to know is what are the signs of egg-binding and could it happen in my single female bird? even with no "nest-like" areas in her cage? She gained some weight recently, about 9g and it started me thinking about her possibly developing an egg. What do I need to know?

Right now I just try to keep her out of the cage as much as possible so she won't get started with the obsessive "allopreening" with the bell toy.

I read your articles here, but couldn't find anything describing the conditions or symptoms of an egg-bound female.

Allie and Luna
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Postby Maggie » Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:12 pm

Hi Allie,

Egg binding comes if there is a problem. She may lay 2-5 infertile eggs, and you would need to then put something in the cage to act as a nest. Let her sit on the eggs for 30-40 days and then remove them. When you remove them, she will be very upset but you would have to do it. If you don't do it this way, she will keep laying eggs.

You may want to talk to a vet about the issues of egg binding. But don't let your fears get the best of you. Don't think about it. She is already attached to the bells. So, I guess you should just let her have her bell toy. Just because she lays eggs does not mean she is going to have an egg binding problem.

If you can, try to change the activity when you see her being too obsessive. Can you take her out of the cage and put her on a perch away from the bell at times?

Postby allie » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:14 pm

Well she started regurgitating in earnest last night. Phew, scared me because when she finally did it, she was in the back of her cage, very quiet, and dropped it on her perch. She did this three times. I talked to the vet on the phone.

I think you're right. I think she's ok today, and it really is just bell-toy-love. I just can't take them away if she's only "preening" with it. You can just see the bliss in her face and closed eyes.

She has laid in the past and not had problems so apparently that bodes well for her future as well.

She is pretty persistant about finishing what she starts with the bell though. I can't distract her and she scoots away from my hand when I put it in. I feel kinda shameful for interrupting her anyway. I don't like to make "step-ups" something ugly so I'm not gonna push the issue.

Thanks for your response, Maggie, with her being my first and only bird, and me being alone with her all day, I do tend to worry more than I should until I get the information I need to know. I feel much better now, and I think she does too. We've had a full afternoon of sunlight on both of us for the first time in a month. I think she's dozing and content!

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Postby Maggie » Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:54 am


Please email me privately: merlin@AfricanGreys.com

I need your address. I have something to send to you.


Postby Maggie » Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:55 am

What do you mean by dropped it on the perch? Did she drop the bell on the perch?

Postby allie » Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:10 pm


Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with doctor's appointments. I had meant that Luna dropped the regurgitated food on her perch. Thank you, I will email you.

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Posts: 74
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Location: Southern USA

Postby Maggie- » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:57 am


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