my baby died

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

my baby died

Postby sidneys » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:59 pm

I live in Weatherford, TX next to Fort Worth TX. I am married with a 11 month old daughter, and a 9 year old daughter and and a 9year old Quaker Parrot named boggie. I am a 42 year old woman so i am established, we have a very quite and loving house hold exept for Boggie who likes to talk, alot.

July i purchased a baby Grey he was 4wks old, he was so small and delicate it was a couple of days before i noticed he was crippled. I took him to several Avian Vets who said to give him back that he was inbreed and would probally develope major problems in the future. I contacted the breeder, and she would give me back my money, but she would have to put him to sleep cause she didnt have the time to devote to him. I loved him already and so i kept him. His name was Sterling. I got on Maggie Wrights web sight exclusively for African Greys. I found the best vet and we wrapped his feet everyday and did physical therapy a couple of times a day. He could perch and walk, something everyone else said he couldnt do. Sterling went every where with me, even to work which he dearly loved.

3 weeks ago he developed complications, we tried every thing. He died. I told the vet to do what he could do at what ever the cost just dont let him suffer. So I will be paying that bill out for a long time. I have 2 little girls who are devastated, a Parrot who is greiving and the guys at work, walk around lost ( There are 3 guys here, they stop everything they are doing and they devoted a couple of minutes a couple of times a day, every day, each to Sterling.)

I thought if i got another the Parrot wouldnt be lonely, the Guys would have somebody to play with, and me and the girls would have a new baby to occupy all our time, but with the bill at the vet i cant afford to buy one. I have about 19 books on African Grey Parrots, 2 huge cages, 2 T stands, lots of toys and the best avian vet there is.

I am wanting to adopt another Grey to our family. I can give you the vets phone numbers to check for refferances, and you can come see my house and my girls so you know she will be going to a nice, safe and secure home. I PROMISE to give it all our love and attention, a nice, clean and safe home, not to leave it unattended (our vacations are in a RV and we take my bird) and to give it the best food, toys and medical attention possible. :cry:

If you or someone you know is interested in me please email me @

Postby Maggie- » Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:22 pm

I'm so so sorry about Sterling. But you gave him a rich life for his short time with lots of love. He gave you love back and you BOTH are lucky for that!

I can feel for you the emptiness you must feel....especially since you put so much time and attention into helping Sterling. I'm sure a Grey will show up for you to love. Ask Sterling's spirit to guide you to the right one who would really benefit. And keep sending out emails and contacting rescue places to find your Grey.

But I do want to say SHAME on that breeder for selling ANY bird at four weeks old. And for not having the d.... time to help a bird that he or she helped to bring into the world. We do not need people like that in the field.

Also, to anyone thinking about getting a NOT get a baby parrot under the age of 3 months. It is the BREEDER'S job to wean and a novice bird owner can kill a parrot in no time. Breeders sell birds at younger ages because it gives them more profit. Please do not play in their hands.

Sterling was probably an exception because the breeder may have had him euthanized because of his handicaps....and he would have been hard to sell. Sterling was SO lucky to have had so much love in his short little life.

May God shine his light on both you and Sterling.

GREY'T Blessings,

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