Should I get a grey?

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

Should I get a grey?

Postby merlin » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:39 pm

Hi! I have three kids between the ages of 6 and 10. I have wanted a Grey for years and recently put a deposit down on a baby Timneh. I went to the breeder feeling skeptical, but I really think one picked me out. I felt really attached to her by the time I had to leave. I've even already decided on a name.... and purchased all sorts of supplies. ....She is still with the breeder being weaned.

Now, I am wondering if this is really going to work because at times our household can get rowdy / loud when the kids are playing together. We had a cockatiel for a long time that passed away in 2010. We also have green-cheek conures that are still fairly young... they are bonded to one another. They still let us handle and play with them some.... but they are mostly enamored with one another. I had a budgie when I was growing up that lived quite a while. So, I have some experience with parrots. Really, I want this to work because I've always wanted a parrot that would be very interactive with me. I am just wondering if I am getting myself into something that I can't handle.

Any advice? Can this work or will it be a disaster since my kids are still young? Thanks in advance for any replies!
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Re: Should I get a grey?

Postby merlin » Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:00 am


That's absolutely exciting that you've found a baby timneh (no, the baby found you!) that is a true match!

It can and WILL work. I think the key here is to create ground rules with the kids to learn to be calm around the cage. You probably already have rules like that in place for when they are around the conures. You could also set the timneh's cage up so that it is higher on a table or create some kind of simple barrier in front so that the bird feels secure when around the kids.

The most important thing is to help your grey feel secure when there is chaos and activity in the room and near her cage. Greys can handle being in homes with kids, and I think it is easier to introduce a young grey to activity like this than an older one that has not lived in a environment like this before. But timnehs have a reputation for being a bit calmer than Congos, so you've got that in your favor too (although many Congos could handle it too).

Another thing you can do is to give each child a chore or responsibility for helping you with the new family member. This could be a great opportunity to teach the kids responsibility.

Go for it! Please keep me posted!
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