Grey couple behavior

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

Grey couple behavior

Postby merlin » Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:13 pm

I am wondering if you can help me with a problem that has arisen,
We have two African grays 1 Male 5 years old one female 4 years Old.

They have lived together in the same cage for the last Three and a half years.
Last week there was a very serious commotion in the cage where the female (Pippa) was obviously in distress. she was cowering on the bottom of the cage and the male (Chico) was trying to get at her i took her out and put her in a separate cage where it took her one or two days to calm down, she was obviously was distressed and i kept her in a quite room.

Now she is back to Normal but refuses to go back in the cage with Chico the male.

They have been in separate cages for a week now next to each other .

When they are out of the cage they will happily sit on my arm together but she refuses to go back with him we have our own ideas but would like some 3rd party help.

The only immediate problem we are having is we have two large cages in our living room.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Grey couple behavior

Postby merlin » Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:26 pm

Dear Michael,

You did the right thing in removing Pippa from the cage. My advice is NOT to force her to go back in, unless she decides that she wants to. It must always be THEIR idea and you need to give them time to work it out. Thank goodness you were there!

Sometimes, even birds that love each other have their tiffs... and like humans, they need time to work it out. Also like humans, she may decide that she never wants to go back in. But please let it be her decision. Please do not try to force it on your own. There is no place for a bird to escape in a locked cage, if the mate is acting aggressively.

You may want to slowly reintroduce them by doing things such as hanging out together on a playpen that's away from the cage. Or by continuing to let them perch together on your arm. Whatever you do, please make sure you are there to supervise. It will help her know that she is SAFE.

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Re: Grey couple behavior

Postby merlin » Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:06 am

Thank you for your prompt reply. Having spoken to the guys we bought the birds off, they have come up with a possible solution to what happened. They think Chico the male was trying to mate with Pippa. And Pippa, being younger by 1 year and too young to mate, got upset. As you know, women can be very funny about these things.

Ironically enough, since I sent the email to you, they have been sitting on my wife's knee... kissing, but Pippa put her foot up to fend him off.

Anyway thank you for your help. I will give you a progress report as time goes on.

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