
Welcome to the Grey Play Round Table African grey Question and Answer Board. Maggie Wright, author of the Barron's Grey pet manual and creator of the Grey Play Round Table African grey newsletter/magazine, and Lisa Bono, African grey behavior expert, will be the two moderators to answer your questions. Please check out the areas that have already been dealt with... and submit your new questions.

Due to the incredibly high volume of SPAM, the board has been set up so that you cannot submit a question. Instead, please send me your question at and I will post it for you. Then, both Lisa and I will post responses. Sorry for the inconvenience.

PLEASE send me your questions... we REALLY want to help you!!!

Wishing you GREY'T Blessings!
Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin


Postby annh6923 » Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:20 pm

I know this is a Grey board but this concernes Greys as much as every other parrot. I wish everyone would go to and The new York Bird Club and click on to Scudders. We need everyone to try to help in this situations and all the letters that can be written to help close this horrible place down. There are 800 parrots of all kinds living in conditions that are unbeliveable. JUST READ and I know you will write.

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:09 pm

Thanks for letting us know.


Postby katygirl » Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:22 pm

Maggie, Am writing again about Scrudders, we are working so hard to get this place closed down. If any one on this board has any contacts with CNN, Geraldo, DateLine or anyone that can help get this story out. I know it is all over the internet. The date of their hearing is the 14th. of this month. Please everyone go to www.mytoos or theNew York Bird Club and check out Bloodsuckers. I think anyone who loves their birds will be sick when they read what these birds have been going through for years, not only birds but other animals as well. it is all court documented but the councilmen in Pierce County Washington have completed kicked it under the rug. Something has got to be done to help these poor birds.

Postby Guest » Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:43 pm

I don't have any contacts with CNN or Dateline, but please email to me privately at

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