Egg Shell

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

Re: Egg Shell

Postby merlin » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:23 pm

Hi Scott,

If you're going to do a MASH diet, please try to follow closer to the recipes of the one on or the Mash diet article on this site:

No wonder Marty likes the MASH if it has lots of peanut butter. That is SO fattening. And oatmeal should only be a treat, such as a small spoonful or less. However, they need to have things in it that do attact them to the MASH. So, you are on the right track. Basically, I grate 3 almonds and 2 peanuts (out of the shell.. do not serve the shell) and mix it up in the MASH that I serve my guys. But you need to make sure you have some mixtures of vegetables, such as greens (dandelions, chard, etc..) and other veggies such as, broccoli, and so on. It is very important to work on getting a balance so they have a balanced diet. They need calcium, but to do that, calcium needs to be balanced with other nutrients in order to get utilized in the system. Here is an article on that:

As far as the egg shell is concerned, you add VERY little on the food. But before you do that, look at the other articles and try to follow them more closely. You may want to join the yahoo group called Feeding Feathers. They focus 100% on nutrition.

Now that you have your Totally Organics products, please start serving them. The Totally Organics pellets are touted to be about the only TRUE organic pellet that is made from real food.

Hoping this helps.
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