wing clips & flying

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

wing clips & flying

Postby Lucysmom » Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:48 pm

Glad to find you again, & hope new website will be problem-free. I listened to the lecture on wing-clipping & Jane Hallander recommends letting the wings grow back & letting the bird fly in between clippings. My husband wants to do this, but it makes me a little nervous, because although we wouldn't allow Lucy outside, I remember when she fledged & flew into our sliding glass door. Do you recommend this? A part of me also thinks it might be very frustrating for a bird to be able to fly, & then suddenly have that taken away. (By the way, I haven't seen any pieces of feather on the bottom of Lucy's cage for several weeks now, & her leg feathers are growing back- it HAD to be irritation from a bad clip)

Postby Guest » Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:57 pm

Hey there! Glad we are back! I certainly hope that things will be much smoother now!

Babies tend to grow dramatically in confidence when they are allowed to fledge. My guys were never allowed to fly. They are confident, but they were really clumsy for quite a while.

So, the issue is really up to you. You would need to bird proof the home and possibly put something in front of the glass window to buffer any crashes. But if you decide not to, Lucy will be fine.

How's THAT for an answer??? Putting it Baaaack in your court. I know it is a tough decision. If I had to do it again, I probably would have allowed them to fly for a while.......a few months, at least and if possible.

wing clipping

Postby Lucysmom » Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:28 pm

When Lucy first fledged, we refused to let the groomer clip her until she was flying confidently for a couple of weeks, but after a couple of run-ins with the sliding glass door, & falling into plants, etc. we did have her wings clipped. So, she does have some flying experience (not to mention her "running away from home" episode last spring!) She can sort of lunge & flap at where she wants to get herself now. What I meant by my question is whether to let her clipped feathers grow in each year & let her fly some before we clip her again- in other words, give her some additional flying experience every so often.
P.S. I'm pretty sure she's now trying to say her name- it sort of sounds like a pig or donkey squealing, but she'll say "Are you a good girl?" then answer herself "Oooeee", which is how "Lucy" comes out right now. So cute.

Postby Guest » Sat Oct 29, 2005 2:55 am

Lucy is PRECIOUS!!! I think you can let her wings grow out like that. You just need to help her realize when they are clipped that she can glide less than the day she doesn't clunk to the ground!!!

I'm SO happy she is back and safe & sound!

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