Red Palm Oil

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Red Palm Oil

Postby Solomon's_Mama » Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:51 pm

Does anyone know how much Red Palm Oil that is an appropriate amount for a CAG that is 454 grams? The breeder I bought him from puts it in the Parrot Mash she feeds her Grey's but Solomon is not interested in mash-he wants large hunks of fruits and veggies he can destroy. I plan to give it to him via a syringe or on a spoon-he's usually extremely interested in whatever I'm eating (I make sure I don't give him anything I have my saliva on) Also, the jar I just purchased expires in 6 months. Has anyone ever tried to freeze it?

Samantha and Solomon
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:48 pm

Postby merlin » Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:42 pm

Hello Samantha and Solomon

I did a google search on palm oil and found that the recommended dosage is no more than 1/4 tsp on a daily basis.

Lots of people pures and other foods they make for their greys.

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red palm oil

Postby Solomon's_Mama » Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:29 pm

Thanks Maggie. I did find one person who suggested .02 ml (of a TB syringe) I tried a spoon to which he was going to have NOTHING to do with :-) I finally did try syringe & he shook his head wildly. Oh well- he'll get used to it! Thanks again for checking on it.

Samantha & Solomon
Samantha and Solomon
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Red Palm Oil-Correction on dosage

Postby Solomon's_Mama » Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:02 pm

oops...supposed to be 0.2 ml

Just wanted to make sure I made that correction. There is a difference!!

Samantha and Solomon
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Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:48 pm

Postby Maggie- » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:52 pm

If he doesn't like the syringe, why don't you include it in a little pureed something and spoon feed it to him? That may be better than the stress from fighting the syringe.

Postby Jeannie » Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:14 pm

Samantha, have you been feeding the red palm oil to Solomon? I would LOVE to know how he is doing on it, have you seen any good changes at all?

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Red Palm Oil

Postby Guest » Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:38 pm


I haven't noticed a significant difference, but then again, I only remember to give it to him about once a week. His new feathers grew in beautifully--I also just switched to Harrison's organic seed mix and have been feeding him the Zupreem dye free pellets. He loves his veggies-especially red bell pepper. I feed sprouts, too, but he's not as 'in to those' as he is veggies etc... our Lovebird LOVES his mash and sprouts. He usually carries around bunch on his beak :-) Sorry I don't have more news...I'll keep watching and will hopefully be more diligent about remembering to give it to him.

Postby Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:37 am

Well just knowing his new feathers grew in so beautifully sounds like good changes to me! lol

I am not big fan of most pellets today. Even though Zupreme has a dye free formula now which is nice I guess, their ingredients are not even species appropriate. ground corn, soybean meal, cracked wheat, wheat germ meal, vegetable oil, sucrose, dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, iodized salt, DL-methionine, choline chloride, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), natural mixed tocopherols, rosemary extract, citric acid, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, manganous oxide, calcium iodate, sodium selenite, vitamin A supplement, vitamin E supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin K supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine, niacin, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, folic acid, biotin. YIKES!!!!

I am going to vent a bit here lol I even wrote an article on my feelings about processed bird foods. I mean come on, why on earth would someone put a statement like " our ingredients are cooked to increase digestibility thus allowing more nutritents to be utilized by your bird". on their bird food? How many birds have you seen sitting around a campfire cooking their food before they eat it?

Please, this is not a flame or attack on anyone personally, I have found that many of my clients that come to me to talk about nutrition have never even read the label on the pellets they feed their parrots and are shocked to hear they are feeding them sugar, soy and GMO grains!

Okay, I got off topic here and I apologize. Please do keep us all posted on Solomon and the red palm oil. So far, I have heard only good things about adding it to our Grey's diet. :)

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