A Kodak Moment

Welcome to the Grey Play Round Table African grey Question and Answer Board. Maggie Wright, author of the Barron's Grey pet manual and creator of the Grey Play Round Table African grey newsletter/magazine, and Lisa Bono, African grey behavior expert, will be the two moderators to answer your questions. Please check out the areas that have already been dealt with... and submit your new questions.

Due to the incredibly high volume of SPAM, the board has been set up so that you cannot submit a question. Instead, please send me your question at merlin@AfricanGreys.com and I will post it for you. Then, both Lisa and I will post responses. Sorry for the inconvenience.

PLEASE send me your questions... we REALLY want to help you!!! merlin@AfricanGreys.com.

Wishing you GREY'T Blessings!
Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

A Kodak Moment

Postby Spider » Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:06 pm


I have to tell you about this one. I have had Spider for a week and three days. Today, she woke me up early ( I am on vacation). It was 6:30 am and I was still tired. She did her morning poop, and I felt I could not go on with the usual routine. So, I took her back into bed with me, and incrediblly, I became daddy bird! She nestled under my armpit; she was hidden under the entire blanket, near my upper abdomen and lower chest. She looked so adorable looking at me when I would look under the covers. She appeared as if she were a chick, just sitting there pushing into my stomach. It was very regressive, it seemed. She staid this way for thirty min. until I got up. Of course I was not sleeping, and was alert to my body's motions. But this was very interesting as when she makes up her mind during waking hours, there is no touching her or even doing a step up for that mater. So this was a nice treat. I which we could sleep this way at night but I know I would likely squash her on one of my rolling turns...But I think an night cuddle and maybe a morning cuddle on the weekends would not be bad? Could she out grow this, or can I expect this to continue (she is 4 months). I am having food issues, but will address later...

Best, John :D

Postby Maggie- » Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:46 pm

Hi John,

Enjoy those incredibly special moments! Some Greys stay cuddly all of their lives, but others become more stand-offish as they age. It is not personal. It is more like having a child that grows up: you cuddle them as babies and then they grow up.

When you do your cuddles over the weekend, try the "Peek-A-Boo" game with the covers. That may turn out to be her first word phrase.

Find a little treat that she loves, such as peanuts, cashews or sunflower seed. Do not serve the treat in the cage any more. Instead, break into bits (or use one seed at a time) and use it as a reward treat. You can use this treat to teach her to step-up. First, start giving her bits as any reward and always say "Good girl." Once she is used to getting the treat for doing something right, you may want to work on the step up.

Find a place away from her cage territory and put her on the floor with her back to the wall. You face the wall. Hold the treat in the left hand and put the right hand on the floor with the back of it towards Spider (as it would look for step-ups). Then as she "climbs over" your right hand to GET to the left hand to get the treat, lavishly praise. Praise even if one foot touches the hand. Keep at that until you can get her to stay on it longer than a second...and then move to the next steps. This is a good way to get her more open to step-ups.

Another thing to do is to sit by the cage and reward her when she is good...by giving the treat thru the cage bars. Eventually, she will bow her head for you to rub. Do it THROUGH the cage bars. This is a first step too.

But be careful NOT to give too much of the treat and ruin her appetite. There is a happy medium there somewhere.

Just like men, one way to "get to a Grey" is through his/her stomach! LOL! It's called bribing, but it works!

Kodak Moment

Postby Spider » Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:20 pm

Hi again Maggie:

Another morning cuddle. Its fascinating that when she is in this state, she allows me to pet her back, rub her neck and head, and touch her talons with no fuss or resistance. She is like me when I come home from work and collapse on my couch. I act like daddy bird and cuddle her closer and give her nose pecks to reassure her. I am basically following what I saw the dads/moms do on March of the Penguins. She just sits still and motionless. It must be instinctual as the behavior is not like her day type of behaviors. Of course, pooping this morning did not occur on the poop purch as she does every morning since arriving. She had something else in mind! It ended up on my sheet. And of course, it missed the towel that had under her "just in case." Thank God for poop remover. She eventually borrowed until she ended up under my chin and resting on my pillow, my arm around her back with the covers over her. I wonder if she can breath? I would suffocate. But I think she likes the warmth. Anyway, she was all cute and chick like. I noticed that she spent the entire night purchased on the edge of her covered sleeper cage, on a section which overlooks my bed that I leave open for the night light to illuminate the inside of her cage. Whenever I'd open an eye, there was another little eye glazing at me in a state of "I'm here waiting for you." I hope she got some zzz's and was not just there expecting that she would sleep come morning cuddle time. What do you think? Maybe she should not be used to this on a daily basis, although I am back to work next week, and morning will be more hectic. But how about nightly? Or just leave it for the weekends? Should I cover up the cage all together? She'll always know I am there when its dark as my snoring will assure her of that! John :)

Postby Maggie » Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:03 am

When you cover the cage at night, do it loosely so air can get in. Leaving the peephole is fine. Many like to have some light. Some like night lights. I have one in the hall for my guys. Sometimes Merlin has night frights and the light will help her get out of the flailing mess quicker if I'm not there to stop her.

Greys KNOW when you are awake. They know it telepathically, so don't worry about the question of cover or not. She just plain KNOWS when you wake up. The relationship is moving along beautifully. Congrats!

Do the cuddling when you feel it. Weekends and even evenings are fine. Just weekends is fine too.

Have a GREY'T 4th weekend!

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