introducing a mate????

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

introducing a mate????

Postby merlin » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:29 pm

I hope you can help with some questions. I have a male Congo, Screech, whom I bought a while back hoping that he would be a mate for my female, Charli.

The previous owner said he was not hand tamed, but he in fact has attacked Charli a couple of times. Is this normal? Should I leave them alone and let them get acquainted?

I hope you can help... Charli has been very lonely and we did not even discover she was a female until she began laying eggs about 2 years ago.

Thank you,
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Re: introducing a mate????

Postby merlin » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:34 pm

Dear Jenny,

Please keep Charli and Screech separated. If you leave them alone in the same cage to get acquainted, Screech will continue to attack Charli and could even kill her. Let them get acquainted by living in SEPARATE cages and at other ends of the room. They must feel like they have their own territories and Charli needs to feel safe and that she will not be attacked.

Just because Charli laid a few eggs, this does not mean she is lonely for a mate. She is bonded to you. The egg laying is a hormonal issue and not a physical/emotional need to mate with another bird. On the other hand, Screech probably has NO idea how to mate. I know that many human breeders have avoided bringing in pet male greys to be breeders because these former male pets are clueless as to what to do, unless they had watched their parents. He probably is NO MORE interested in mating with another bird than Charli is. Therefore, you now have two lovely pet greys and need to figure out how you are going to work with both of them and love them as your companions... but separate of each other.

So many people make the mistake of thinking because their greys look lonely or have laid an egg, they want a mate. But the opposite is true. They have been predisposed by we humans to prefer human companionship, instead of being mated with another bird.

Screech and Charli can become friends over time... FROM AFAR. Please read the following articles about my experiences from introducing my Merlin and Sweetpea.

You can have a wonderfully rewarding life by having both greys be your pets and they will grow to become fond of each other over time while having their separate territories but being able to chatter back and forth. Please do not try to put them physically together, unless it is very closely supervised by you and in some non-territorial area, such as on a perch or playpen that is separate from their cages and territories.

Congrats! You have now been blessed TWICE by having two beautiful grey souls living with you. Please keep us posted.

GREY'T Blessings,
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Re: introducing a mate????

Postby merlin » Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:26 pm

Thank so much for your reply! It is a big help and hope that the two will grow to be friends at least. I do have them both in their own cage but had hoped to turn the room into an open area for them to enjoy the bird gym and bath etc. I guess time will need to be spent with each having separate "time out" periods for a while and then try limited use together.

Charli came to me as a rescue bird at the age of 12, I think. Her owner developed lung cancer and when Charli went to the Rescue plucked all of her feathers out... the ones on her tummy and chest have not, but I do think they will grow back in.

Honestly I have only had Screech for a couple of months and had considered that I may need to find him another home. He came to me as wild but I thought I heard him speaking the other day so perhaps they will become friends and company for one another even if they don't mate.

I truly appreciate your response and have enjoyed your website

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Re: introducing a mate????

Postby merlin » Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:27 pm

Hi Jenny,

Charli & Screech have enormous potential for becoming friends over time. Please think about the guidelines that you read from my articles. The key will be to help Charli continue to see herself as the TOP bird, since she was the first in your flock.

The mating may or may not come over time. But if it does, it must always be THEIR decision to be together, and not ours.

Your plan above sounds like a very good one. Please keep us posted and write with any questions that you may have.
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