Greys in the same cage?

Welcome to the Grey Play Round Table African grey Question and Answer Board. Maggie Wright, author of the Barron's Grey pet manual and creator of the Grey Play Round Table African grey newsletter/magazine, and Lisa Bono, African grey behavior expert, will be the two moderators to answer your questions. Please check out the areas that have already been dealt with... and submit your new questions.

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Wishing you GREY'T Blessings!
Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

Greys in the same cage?

Postby merlin » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:52 pm

Hi There

Hope you can advise please, i have a male African grey he is 5 years old,i was thinking of getting him a partner / companion, not sure if he would take to another grey being in his cage,what do you think ??

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Re: Greys in the same cage?

Postby merlin » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:53 pm

Dear Darryl,

I strongly recommend against you adding a new grey to your current companion's cage. The ONLY time two greys should be in the same cage is if it was THEIR idea. Your Grey may get very jealous of a newcomer, particularly if he has been an only bird in your home for 5 years. If he has been used to being around other greys or birds in the past, it would be easier. But no matter what, please do not ever put them in the same cage.

When they don't get along, there is nowhere for the weaker one to go. One gets more aggressive and the other gets more passive. Why do this to two beautiful birds? If you are determined to bring in another Grey, then place it in a separate cage and in a different part of the room (after quarantine, of course), so they have their own territories. Over time, if you find they really get along, they will show you they want to get in the same cage.

Here's an article about my experiences and learning:

Hoping this helps.
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