My new baby

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Maggie Wright

Moderator: merlin

My new baby

Postby merlin » Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:03 am


I have a 3 month CAG and we just got him 3 days ago. He is fine and is social with us, snuggling and even giving kisses. I am just concerned because his breeder said he had a variety of fruits and veggies but all he will eat is his pellets and drink water.

I had tried offering him the fruit and veggies that the breeder said he has been introduced to but no such you have any suggestions? or could it be just getting used to a new home?

Thanks in advance for you ideas

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Re: My new baby

Postby merlin » Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:04 am


Congratulations!!! What's his name???

Did the breeder tell you how she had served the fruits/veggies? If not, talk with the breeder. Then serve in the exact same way until your baby is more used to his new home. The lack of the veggies/fruits may be due to being nervous in a new home, but this is the time to really work on it.

Here is a link to Helpful Hints on my site that lists ideas for serving the food.

I also have suggestions in my Grey pet manual published by Barrons. Do you have a copy? You can get it from my site:

Here is a good article on a MASH diet to start to give to him. Please learn about a whole food diet. I believe much of the diet (if not most) should really be whole foods, instead of pellets.

THEN... relax. He'll be okay. But he will pick up on your anxiety, so you need to relax.

Please keep me posted.
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Posts: 188
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

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